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Chatting di PC dengan Yahaven

Welcome to!

Yahaven! is a free 3rd party Chat Client for the Yahoo! Messenger/Chat Network.

Yahaven! has many features Yahoo! Messenger does not. Some of the features included are...
  • Advanced Filters.
  • Advanced Wildcards.
  • Automatic reduction of large font sizes.
  • Background colours & images.
  • Individual volume settings.
  • Multiline Messages.
  • Server/Speed testers.
  • Tattoo's.
  • Voice Ignore.
  • Winamp support.
You have the option to ignore users by
  • Age.
  • Alias.
  • Chat text.
  • Location.
  • Username.
Yahaven! also brings antiboot protection to it's users with Ghost Mode and Chat Shield.
Yahaven! is Unbootable when using the Chat Shield.

If you're fed up getting booted and seeing spam then you've come to the right place

If you're already a Yahaven! user then feel free to use the forum for any of your queries and questions

Current version 2.5.4


Banyak orang mengatakan bahwa Yahven Chat client sangat mirip dengan Yazak tetapi dengan kelebihan kelebihan tertentu. Seseorang malah pernah mengatakan kepada saya bahwa Yahaven merupakan chat client yang paling bagus diantara chat client yang lain. Ia memiliki kemampuan mic locker yang bagus, unbootable, punya fasilitas cam dan sebagainya. Jika anda belum mencoba anda sangat rugi. Silahkan download yahaven di:

Download Yahaven Chat Client

Jangan lupa untuk di update terlebih dahulu kalau mau kemampuan Yahaven lebih handal. Jika anda pengen membuktikan apakah Yahaven benar-benar tahan boot, aktifkan shield protectionnya kemudian boot Yahaven dengan software boot yang anda punya. Selamat mencoba.



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Chat yahoo melalui web Ebuddy...Login here...!!!

In the same fashion as the MSN version you'll need to add the script bellow to have the form to login to eBuddy Yahoo! on your website.

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